Thursday, July 16, 2009

Help from Huff Post - disecting the latest bill

From the Huffington Post:
Health Care Bill Released: What Does Congress Hope You're Missing (INTERACTIVE INVESTIGATION)

House Democrats have released their newest version of the health care reform bill, weighing in at a whopping 1,018 pages, and HuffPost's Eyes and Ears is calling on you to help read through the legislation.

...the devil is in the details of any bill of this size. While politicians and pundits will continue to debate the larger ideological implications of a health care overhaul, Eyes and Ears will be digging into each line item of this legislation to understand the precise ramifications of the proposed plan. And as the bill gets passed through three committees on its way to the House floor, we will be tracking how the bill changes and which members of Congress are responsible for its inevitable departure from the version released today.

To this end, HuffPost is partnering with Insight to launch a beta test of their interactive research tool. In the past we have posted legislation and asked you, our readers, to email us about problematic line items and to investigate potential red flags; With Insight, you will now have the ability to highlight such controversial line items for the entire Huffington Post community to see and discuss. Go to the full interactive Huffington Post piece

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